NFL Adds “Let’s Go Brandon” as Third National Anthem

Many Americans have followed legendary National Football League backup quarterback par excellence Colin Kaepernick’s lead in protesting and generally finding offensive the venerable US national anthem The Star Spangled Banner. Sadly, what had long been seen as a symbol of Americans’ unity has become for some, divisive. Thus, in an effort to improve unity among… Read More NFL Adds “Let’s Go Brandon” as Third National Anthem

Biden, Ukraine: “No officially recorded meeting” = “No Meeting”

The Harris-Biden Campaign has responded to scurrilous press reports of recently discovered evidence linking the former Vice President to a meeting or meetings with representatives of Ukraine’s most corrupt Oil and Gas company, Burisma. They reassure Americans that as they can find no entry in his Official Calendar for that date and time, there can… Read More Biden, Ukraine: “No officially recorded meeting” = “No Meeting”