Halloween Cancelled: Ancient Pagan Ritual “Not Inclusive”

The sleepy town of Marlon, Ohio has cancelled the celebration of Halloween, local politicians believing its richly diverse population (or at least, the one they hope to some day have) are not sufficiently represented by a traditionally Celtic holiday that involved transporting the spirits of deceased relatives in hollowed-out gourds or turnips to a resting… Read More Halloween Cancelled: Ancient Pagan Ritual “Not Inclusive”

Where in the World is North Korea’s Kim Jong-un?

Kim Jong-un’s surviving top advisors are uncertain what to report to the nation – and the world – regarding their great and fearless Supreme Leader. International speculation abounds following Kim’s absence from North Korea’s most important yearly public gathering, the “Day of the Sun” holiday celebrating the birth of his grandfather and the Hermit Kingdom’s… Read More Where in the World is North Korea’s Kim Jong-un?

Chinese President Reassures West with Calm, Soothing Wisdom

In a heartfelt message delivered across all networks and platforms containing any Chinese technology – that being, every mobile device, every television, and every computer and tablet –  Chinese President Xi Jinping tried to help make us all feel a little bit better about the COVID-19 virus. The General Secretary’s message surprised many with the… Read More Chinese President Reassures West with Calm, Soothing Wisdom