NFL Adds “Let’s Go Brandon” as Third National Anthem

Many Americans have followed legendary National Football League backup quarterback par excellence Colin Kaepernick’s lead in protesting and generally finding offensive the venerable US national anthem The Star Spangled Banner. Sadly, what had long been seen as a symbol of Americans’ unity has become for some, divisive. Thus, in an effort to improve unity among… Read More NFL Adds “Let’s Go Brandon” as Third National Anthem

Halloween Cancelled: Ancient Pagan Ritual “Not Inclusive”

The sleepy town of Marlon, Ohio has cancelled the celebration of Halloween, local politicians believing its richly diverse population (or at least, the one they hope to some day have) are not sufficiently represented by a traditionally Celtic holiday that involved transporting the spirits of deceased relatives in hollowed-out gourds or turnips to a resting… Read More Halloween Cancelled: Ancient Pagan Ritual “Not Inclusive”

Animal abuse charged after dog owner spotted using whip

A small Texas town is reeling after first one, then several pet owners were discovered abusing their supposedly beloved animals. At different locations, at least five men and four women were reported after being spotted cruelly using what appeared to be whips of some sort, bound around their dogs’ necks. The poor animals tried to… Read More Animal abuse charged after dog owner spotted using whip