A small Texas town is reeling after first one, then several pet owners were discovered abusing their supposedly beloved animals.
At different locations, at least five men and four women were reported after being spotted cruelly using what appeared to be whips of some sort, bound around their dogs’ necks. The poor animals tried to play with other dogs, jump on passersby, or urinate on a neighbor’s roses, only to be cruelly denied freedom of movement when coming up short against the firmly held restraint.

In further mockery of the poor animals’ suppressed liberties, some owners adorn their miserable charges in gaily colored fetters – but fetters nonetheless.
Another owner seemed intent on choking his tiny dog by requiring it to consume a bone significantly larger than the animal’s mouth would admit. The pathetic animal nevertheless endeavored to carry the enormous object with as much purchase as it could manage, quite unwilling to be released from this Herculean task – likely due to fear of some punishment.

In yet another report of abuse, a young boy courageously called police to report on his family’s treatment of their cocker spaniel. He could hear splashing coming from the bathroom, but was uncertain whether his sisters were trying to drown the animal in a tub full of sudsy water or were water-boarding the pet to obtain information about missing homework.

Don’t let these innocents suffer in silence. Report any similar scenes of wrongdoing you witness, so that the perpetrators may be shamed and punished – no matter how totally you may have misunderstood what you saw.
Image Credits – Whip: Balzac (GNU Free Documentation License); Shepherd: Tim Dobbelaere (cc by-sa 2.0); Chihuahua: Niewiadomek; Bone: lily (Flickr); Bath: Andrew Vargas (Flickr)