We are highly recommending a TV show our whole family loves, and to make things fun, try to guess which show we are talking about.
The delightful story revolves around a family once expecting the birth of three babies. Unforeseen circumstances happened and one baby was adopted, to share a birthday with his new siblings.
As much a part of the family as any other, there was no mistaking he sure didn’t look like the others. And while the love of his adoptive parents and siblings was enough to make him happy, his considerable intellect drove a curiosity to learn more about where he came from. He desired to explore and learn from the experiences of others – perhaps especially those who more closely resembled the face squinting back at him from murky puddles.
This show jumps seamlessly from present to past to future, always making the viewer wonder what time period one is in and which close or distant relative of the protagonists – or perhaps just a colorful character – will move the story along, maybe with a twist?
The siblings are fully developed individuals: A brother who is underestimated and dismissed as dim, but exhibits breakthrough moments of subtler understanding of the world, and who wins the audience over with his heart of gold. And there is a sister with a lovely, vivacious personality matched with a beautiful singing voice, but who is unhappy about her size; as the show progresses, she learns to be more comfortable with her appearance.
And we have the parents, who on the surface seem the perfect couple; but no matter how seemingly ideal they are, one never escapes the looming sense that something ominous will happen to them. And no matter how much you, the viewer, wish you can scream to them to avoid the disaster to come, you know you cannot change their fate. So you must simply enjoy their presence for the time you do have with them and be reminded to enjoy every day of your own life to the fullest.
It is hard to find a more perfect family show than this: one that teaches a fundamentally deeper understanding of the world around us all, while keeping the viewer emotionally invested in the lives of the family on “Dinosaur Train”.